Deutsche Version
Marriage, 2016, bronze, H=1,20 m
A Piece of History, 2015
Birth of a Longing, 2013, stainless steel, H = 4,5 m
Ember, 2015, H = 1,5 m
Somersault, 2015, H = 90 cm
Birth of a Vine, 2009
Course of Time, 2008, Summer of Art Wiesbaden
Gate of Time, 2007, Fasanerie Castle
Multiplication, 1997, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
North Sea Wave, 1991, Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein
Big Cube, 2000, Bianco Carrara
Process, 1993, Statuario
Spirit of Time II., 1993, Hommage to Rodins Denker
Crane, 1993, Airport Frankfurt-Main
Flyer, 1993, Statuario
Tetraeder, 1993, Design outdoor area K
Ordeal, 1992, Bianco Carrara
Before or After, 1992, Statuario
Continuity, 1992, Hommage to Max Bill
Stress Test, 1990, Bianco Carrara
Rest of the Whole, 1989, Rosa Portugalo Estramoz
Without Title, 1989, Bianco Carrara Oridinario
Affection, 1989, Bianco Carrara